This site is marked on the OS map as 'Stone Circle, Stone Row & Cairns' ... Wow! And the site is no let down either. The complex is quite special.
The stone circle is a very nice five-stoner. The southwest facing axial stone is long and low (1.2m x 0.7m). The other stones rise in height slightly to the entrance stones, which are 1.2m tall. The circle is complete and quite lovely.
100m to the northeast is a large radial cairn, over 8m in diameter. The low pile of stones seems to have most of the radially set stones in situ.
Set exactly along the line of the stone cirlce's axis 40m from the circle is a stone row, which is obviously part of the stone circle monument itself. This consists of two beautiful 1m tall solid quartz stones. This is when I realised the purpose of the large quartz boulder at Lettergorman S (County Cork).
I sat at the sit and watched the sun go down as it made the quartz stones shine red. I was happy to end the day here and have this as my last site for the day. However, signposts conspired against me and I was to see some more places in the upcoming dusk.
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______New sites are all well and good, but returning to a favourite is wonderful. I had to pop in as I passed just to see if I still had the same sense of 'wow' here. Yes, I do. The quartz stones are beautiful in the sunlight.
I also remembered to take a photo of the nearby radial cairn this time too. I was so taken with the circle and the quartz pair that I pretty much ignored the cairn last time. It is about 6m across and a only a few of the stones still stand around its circumference.
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This is an explanation of (and a bit of a disclaimer for) the coordinates I provide. Where a GPS figure is given this is the master for all other coordinates. According to my Garmin these are quite accurate. Where there is no GPS figure the 6 figure grid reference is master for the others. This may not be very accurate as it could have come from the OS maps and could have been read by eye. Consequently, all other cordinates are going to have inaccuracies. The calculation of Longitude and Latitude uses an algorithm that is not 100% accurate. The long/lat figures are used as a basis for calculating the UTM & ITM coordinates. Consequently, UTM & ITM coordinates are slightly out. UTM is a global coordinate system - Universal Transverse Mercator - that is at the core of the GPS system. ITM is the new coordinate system - Irish Transverse Mercator - that is more accurate and more GPS friendly than the Irish Grid Reference system. This will be used on the next generation of Irish OS maps. |