Clongeen : Standing Stone

Grid RefS 842 172
GPSS 84196 17153 (3m)
Longitude6° 45' 56.32" W
Latitude52° 17' 58.86" N
ITM east480366
ITM north584435
Nearest TownTaghmon (8.2 Km)
OS Sheet77
UTM zone29U
UTM x449041
UTM y5761192
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Visit Notes

Sunday, 9th December 2001

I got some very funny looks here while looking at this stone and so didn't feel like asking to get closer.

It seems to be about 1.5 m tall and square in section with a flat top.

The nearby stone at S 838 172 is hidden behind some houses on a tiny estate and does not seem visitable.

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Sunday, 24th February 2008

A long time ago I received an email from the farmer here to invite me to take a proper look at the stone, saying they were surprised that I was made to feel unwelcome when I was last here. I must say that it wasn't the people from the farm that were giving me odd looks, but the people driving by as I jumped up and down looking over the hedgerow. I was acting a bit on the odd side!

This time I was made very welcome and visiting the stone was easy. It is much larger than I believed it to be from a distance and stands nearly 2m tall. It is at least 1m in diameter and uneven in plan. All in all this is a nice standing stone. Its only drawback is its proximity to the farm buildings. The fact that it's survived at all does say a lot about the locals, though. If this stone was placed in the wilds it would be a great standing stone.

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