Like Inchincurka (County Cork) this is another site that I only recently found out about and decided to check out. In Cork it's not too difficult to not hear of a site, because there's just so many of them!
As I arrived at this site the heavens opened, but luckily I was still in the car. I passed 20 minutes watching the clouds and rain pass over the Sheehy and Maughanaclea Mountains to the west. As soon as this stopped I set off up the gently sloping field to the stones, which I could just see on the crown of the hill.
The row is aligned northeast-southwest and seems to point straight at the Maughanaclea Hills. Five out of six stones still stand. Four of these are about 1.3m tall, while the final southwestern stone is over 3m tall. A wall and hedge 5m to the south block all the views in that direction, but climbing onto the wall allows you to really appreciate how good the views are in that direction. East and west offer equally fine views, while the north is blocked by Carrigirierk, a lowish rocky faced hill.
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This is an explanation of (and a bit of a disclaimer for) the coordinates I provide. Where a GPS figure is given this is the master for all other coordinates. According to my Garmin these are quite accurate. Where there is no GPS figure the 6 figure grid reference is master for the others. This may not be very accurate as it could have come from the OS maps and could have been read by eye. Consequently, all other cordinates are going to have inaccuracies. The calculation of Longitude and Latitude uses an algorithm that is not 100% accurate. The long/lat figures are used as a basis for calculating the UTM & ITM coordinates. Consequently, UTM & ITM coordinates are slightly out. UTM is a global coordinate system - Universal Transverse Mercator - that is at the core of the GPS system. ITM is the new coordinate system - Irish Transverse Mercator - that is more accurate and more GPS friendly than the Irish Grid Reference system. This will be used on the next generation of Irish OS maps. |