It was good to finlaly make it to this site. It's another 'tried and failed due to rain' site. This time the weather was perfect.
The condition of the circle was quite a surprise. I had seen a very good picture of this site at Irish Megaliths amongst other places and they look very different.
It's a very unusual thing, but there seemed to be more stones at the site now. It's usually the other way around! Unfortunately, one of the entrance stones has been broken in half at some point in the last 20 years too.
This is an axial stone circle with a pair of entrance stones. The recumbent axial stone is about 1m wide and 60cm high. None of the other stones are much higher, but most of them are lying down (the ones that hadn't used to be there) so it's hard to judge.
The axis seems to be oriented on the low hill near to Bweeng to the northeast. The southwest horizon is formed by a low, flat spur at Uctough. The Boggeragh Mountains dominate the western aspect and the east is open and flat as far as you can see.
It's hard to know where to park to visit this one. I parked at the road junction down the hill to the north and walked the 500 yards or so. The road is nasty, so parking any closer would be a mistake.
This is an explanation of (and a bit of a disclaimer for) the coordinates I provide. Where a GPS figure is given this is the master for all other coordinates. According to my Garmin these are quite accurate. Where there is no GPS figure the 6 figure grid reference is master for the others. This may not be very accurate as it could have come from the OS maps and could have been read by eye. Consequently, all other cordinates are going to have inaccuracies. The calculation of Longitude and Latitude uses an algorithm that is not 100% accurate. The long/lat figures are used as a basis for calculating the UTM & ITM coordinates. Consequently, UTM & ITM coordinates are slightly out. UTM is a global coordinate system - Universal Transverse Mercator - that is at the core of the GPS system. ITM is the new coordinate system - Irish Transverse Mercator - that is more accurate and more GPS friendly than the Irish Grid Reference system. This will be used on the next generation of Irish OS maps. |